A recently described lichen (Vondrák et al. 2023), very similar to J. aliphatica, but differing in the presence of gyrophoric acid (C+ red reaction of soralia). So far it is known from moist mountain forests on acidic smooth bark of beech, less frequently on other trees including conifers, in the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia. Most data from the Czech Republic come from the Šumava Mts, but the lichen is also known from several collections in the Novohradské hory and Beskydy Mountains.
Literature: Vondrák J., Svoboda S., Košnar J., Malíček J., Šoun J., Frolov I., Svensson M., Novotný P. & Palice Z. (2023): Martin7: a reference database of DNA barcodes for European epiphytic lichens and its taxonomic implications. – Preslia 95: 311–345.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Lecanoraceae → Japewia
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