This lichen is typical for natural beech forests in submontane regions and mountain ranges, but it also occurs at lower elevations (e.g. in river valleys). It prefers slightly acidic and smooth bark of woody plants. Most data come from Fagus, Carpinus and Acer pseudoplatanus. In Europe, L. argentata is a relatively abundant species, but in the Czech Republic its findings are scattered. It is more common in western and southern Bohemia (especially in the Šumava Mts). It is currently very rare in the northern part of the Czech Republic.
Literature: Malíček J. (2014): A revision of the epiphytic species of the Lecanora subfusca group (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) in the Czech Republic. – Lichenologist 46: 489–513.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Lecanoraceae → Lecanora
most frequented synonyms:Lecanora subrugosaAll records: 708, confirmed 522. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).