Lecanora campestris (Schaer.) Hue

This Lecanora species has been found on both natural and man-made (or with traces of human influence) saxicolous substrates. It prefers sunny locations typically on calcium-rich siliceous rocks or alkaline igneous rocks. In addition, it can be also found on walls, gravestones and, more rarely, directly on limestones. Europe is the centre of its distribution. The lichen has a wide ecological amplitude – it grows in dry and warm Mediterranean regions, in oceanic as well as northern Europe. Generally, it prefers lower and middle elevations. The species is scattered in the Czech Republic, but it can also be abundant in suitable habitats.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Lecanoraceae Lecanora

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):NT – near threatened

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

All records: 103, confirmed 76. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).


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Altitude preferences

Distribution Timeline

Substrate type

Substrate preferences

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