An infrequent saxicolous species, in the Czech Republic known from volcanic rocks (phonolite) with a higher content of metals. The only published record comes from the Lužické hory Hills (North Bohemia), but its occurrence is probable in other areas with volcanic activity during the Tertiary period, i.e. in the České středohoří and Doupovské hory Hills. The hitherto known distribution of this species is limited to the interior of France and Germany (known here as Lecanora rubida).
Literatura: Malíček J., Halda J. P., Kocourková J., Müller A., Palice Z., Peksa O. & Svoboda D. (2012): Lišejníky zaznamenané během podzimního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání v Labských pískovcích 2010. – Bryonora 49: 17–23.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Lecanoraceae → Lecanora
most frequented synonyms:Lecanora rubidaAll records: 1, confirmed 1. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).