Micarea czarnotae Launis, van den Boom, Sérus. & Myllys

A tiny microlichen from the taxonomically challenging M. micrococca group characterised by white to grey apothecia on a rather dark thallus. This relatively recently described species grows on wood and bark of both coniferous and deciduous trees. So far, it is known only from a few European countries. The number of so far unpublished, but molecularly confirmed findings suggest, M. czarnotae is a common forest lichen in the Czech Republic.

Literature: Launis A., Pykälä, J., Boom Van den P., Sérusiaux E. & Myllys L. (2019): Four new epiphytic species in the Micarea prasina group from Europe. – Lichenologist 51: 7–25.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Pilocarpaceae Micarea

Red List (Malíček 2023):DD – data deficient

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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