Micarea lithinella (Nyl.) Hedl.

One of the most common saxicolous genus members in the Czech Republic. It usually grows as a pioneer species on small acidic stones, semi-embedded in the ground, most often in forests but also in parks and managed landscape. The lichen may occur also on shady overhanging parts of stones in river sediments. It is able to pass onto wood, exposed roots and bark of trees, usually in places impregnated by mineral particles, such as wind-blown trees and tree bases on stream banks. The species is widespread in the country, occurring from lowlands to mountains.

Literature: Palice Z. (1997): Micarea lithinella (Nyl.) Hedl. – přehlížený druh lichenoflóry České republiky. – Bryonora 19: 9–14.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Pilocarpaceae Micarea

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):LC – least concern

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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