Placynthiella dasaea (Stirt.) Tønsberg

A common crustose microlichen on acidic, mainly organic substrates, most commonly decaying wood but also on bryophytes. It may also occur as a pioneer in terricolous and epiphytic communities. It is usually found in forests, peatbogs and heathlands. The species prefers shady microhabitats with high air humidity. It might rarely be found on anthropogenic stands. It is widely distributed from lowlands to high mountains.

From the related P. icmalea, it is distinguished by soredia presence. TLC analysis is recommended to distinguish intermediate or atypical specimens. P. dasaea is usually sterile and may be overlooked or confused with other sorediate microlichens, such as Micarea or Trapeliopsis species. Interestingly, it has been known from the area of the Czech Republic since the new Millennium, although there was awareness of sorediate types of Placynthiella long before. It is obvious from the work of J. Nádvorník (Nádvorník 1946) who included sorediate specimens of the section Uliginosa (the genus Placynthiella today) in the variety fuliginea, a species name referring to the contemporary P. icmalea. No taxonomic value was given to them and he only distinguished forms based on thallus pigmentation.

Literature: Nádvorník J. (1946): Poznámky k sekci Uliginosa lišejníkového rodu Lecidea (Ach.) Th.Fr. – Časopis Národního musea 115: 155–157.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Trapeliales Trapeliaceae Placynthiella

Red List (Liška & Palice 2010):LC – least concern

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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