A species similar to the better-known P. decipiens, distinguished by brown squamules and the presence of norstictic acid in the medulla (K+ red). It grows on exposed calcareous soil and soil in rock cracks. It is a rare species in Europe, with the distribution centre in the Mediterranean. Psora vallesiaca is rare in central Europe. In the Czech Republic, it used to be known at a single locality – Jurassic limestones of the Kotouč hill near Štramberk (Suza 1943). However, it was mined off for the most part, and thus the species is considered extinct in the Czech Republic.
Literature: Suza J. (1943): Meridionální vlivy v lišejníkové flóře Západních Karpat. – Věstník Královské české společnosti nauk 16 (1942): 1–47.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Lecanorales → Psoraceae → Psora
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