Rhizocarpon amphibium (Fr.) Th. Fr.

A brown Rhizocarpon from the R. reductum group with pale muriform ascospores. It is an amphibious lichen, i.e., growing on periodically submersed rocks and stones by watercourses, sometimes together with the related R. lavatum, from which it is distinguished by circular arrangement of the apothecia, which are more immersed and have much thinner margin. Microscopically, it has smaller spores, with fewer cells and less variable pigment distribution in the apothecia. It produces a green pigment (macrocarpa-green) in the upper part of the outer exciple and a K+ purple pigment (atra-red; Ihlen 2004) in the epihymenium and inner exciple. R. amphibium is quite a rare species with subatlantic distribution. In the Czech Republic, it has only recently been found in the Labský důl glacial cirque in the Krkonoše Mts (Halda et al. 2011).

Literature: Ihlen P. G. (2004): Taxonomy of the non-yellow species of Rhizocarpon (Rhizocarpaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in the Nordic countries, with hyaline and muriform ascospores. – Mycological Research 108: 533–570. Halda J., Hauer T., Kociánová M., Mühlsteinová R., Řeháková K. & Šťastná P. (2011): Biodiverzita cévnatých rostlin, lišejníků, sinic a řas na skalách s ledopády v Labském dole. – Opera Corcontica 48: 45–68.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Rhizocarpales Rhizocarpaceae Rhizocarpon

Red List (Malíček 2023):DD – data deficient

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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