Rinodina milvina has a grey-brown areolate thallus, lecanorine apothecia and widely ellipsoid spores with a specific thickening of the cell wall (Milvina type). It occurs on basic siliceous rock in mountain areas, often above the upper tree line. Sometimes it is parasitic on other lichens. The only recent unpublished finding from the Czech Republic is from the Velká kotlina glacial cirque in the Jeseníky Mts. There are also historical records. For example, the species was recorded on granite near Černý Kostelec (Kostelec nad Černými Lesy), on sandstone near Kamýk (supposedly Kamýk nad Vltavou) and on sandstone near Kozolupy by Plzeň by Servít (1910). However, its occurrence at localities of such low elevations is improbable.
Literature: Servít M. (1910): Zur Flechtenflora Böhmens und Mährens. – Hedwigia 50: 51–85.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Caliciales → Physciaceae → Rinodina
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