An arctic-alpine Rinodina forming grey-brown thalli on calciphilous bryophytes in treeless subalpine and alpine habitats. It is usually richly fertile and produces Physcia type spores (with a thickened cell wall near the septum and in the apices). It is distributed in European calcareous mountains, or calcareous insertions in siliceous substrates. In the Czech Republic, the lichen only occurs in the Velká kotlina glacial cirque (Vězda 1960) and Petrovy kameny Mt (var. mniaraea), both in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts, both on moss cushions on calcareous phyllites.
Literature: Vězda A. (1960): K lišejníkové flóře Hrubého Jeseníku (Sudeti orient.). − Přírodovědný časopis slezský, Opava, 21: 255−270.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Caliciales → Physciaceae → Rinodina
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