Diagnostic features of this species are a endolithic thallus, globose to broadly ellipsoid ascospores and a hemiamyloid hymenial gel (IKI+ pale blue to red). Overall, it resembles S. pruinosa. Phylogenetically, it is very close to S. nivea, which differs in having a more or less developed thallus (Knudsen et al. 2023). Sarcogyne fallax is a little known and rarely reported lichen of calcium-enriched rocks. The only known historical locality from the Czech Republic (1932) is from Liběchov in the České středohoří Highlands (Knudsen et al. 2023).
Literature: Knudsen K., van Zon S., Tsurykau A., Kocourková J., Hodková E., Huereca A. & Malíček J. (2023): Sarcogyne (Acarosporaceae) on calcareous rock in Europe and North America. – Herzogia 36: 52–71.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Acarosporales → Acarosporaceae → Sarcogyne
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