A foliose cyanolichen, characterized by umbilicate thalli with blue-white pruina (might sometimes be absent). Similar and more common Lichinella nigritella is distinguished by thick lobe margins. Thyrea confusa grows on natural well-lit calcareous rocks, commonly on limestone. In Europe, it is mainly distributed in warmer areas and is rare in the northern parts. It is also rare in the Czech Republic, recently only known from Český kras (the Bohemian Karst) and the Křivoklát region. Historical localities from south Moravia (Suza 1925) have not been confirmed recently. Some of the reports might refer to Lichinella nigritella, not distinguished in the past.
Literature: Suza J. (1925): Nástin zeměpisného rozšíření lišejníků na Moravě vzhledem k poměrům evropským. – Spisy vydávané Přírodovědeckou fakultou Masarykovy Univerzity 55: 1–151.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lichinomycetes → Lichinales → Lichinaceae → Thyrea
most frequented synonyms:Thyrea pulvinataAll records: 38, confirmed 18. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).