Arctic-alpine Umbilicaria, thallus grey and smooth, apothecia numerous with a characteristic central button. On acidic siliceous rocks, often exposed vertical surfaces, with water seepage during rain. Widely distributed in Europe, mainly in the northern part and mountains. In central Europe, more abundant only in the Alps and Tatra Mts, otherwise rare. In the Czech Republic, it was reliably documented only in several localities in the Krkonoše Mts (Labský důl, Obří důl, Sněžka). Records from the 19th century from Prague (Divoká Šárka, Podbaba) are questionable. Recently, it has been found in Plešné jezero glacial cirque in the Šumava Mts (Palice 1996) and in Labský důl (Halda et al. 2016).
Literature: Lisická E. (1980): Flechtenfamilie Umbilicariaceae Fée in der Tschechoslowakei. – Biologické Práce SAV 26/4: 1–152. Palice Z. (1996): Lišejníky karů Černého a Plešného jezera na Šumavě. – Ms. [Dipl. práce; depon. in: Knihovna katedry botaniky PřF UK Praha]. Halda J., Kučera J. & Koval Š. (2016): Atlas krkonošských mechorostů, lišejníků a hub 1 – mechorosty a lišejníky. – Vrchlabí: Správa KRNAP.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Umbilicariales → Umbilicariaceae → Umbilicaria
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