Quite an ornamental Umbilicaria, thallus maroon, conspicuously rugose and pustulate, isidia and soredia absent. Montane species, on acidic silicates in cold open screes, usually on exposed surfaces of rocks and boulders. In Europe, mainly in the northern part and in mountain areas. Not common in the Czech Republic. Outside the mountain areas also found on larger exposed screes, e. g. in Brdy Hills and Ralsko.
Literature: Lisická E. (1980): Flechtenfamilie Umbilicariaceae Fée in der Tschechoslowakei. – Biologické Práce SAV 26/4: 1–152.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Umbilicariales → Umbilicariaceae → Umbilicaria
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