Carbonea vitellinaria (Nyl.) Hertel

A species obligately growing on thalli of Candelariella species on various types of siliceous rocks, mainly at higher elevations. It does not form a thallus; only black apothecia are present. In Europe, it is widely distributed, as well as its hosts, but cannot be considered abundant. In the Czech Republic, there are historical records from thalli of C. vitellina from the Česká Lípa region (Anders 1922) and a couple of current findings (the Krkonoše Mts, the Slavkovský les and České středohoří highlands).

Literature: Anders J. (1922): Die Flechten Nordböhmens. III. Nachtrag. – Hedwigia 63: 269–322.

taxonomic classification:

Ascomycota Lecanoromycetes Lecanorales Lecanoraceae Carbonea

Red List (Malíček 2023):C1 – critically endangered

Occurrence in the Czech Republic

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Altitude preferences

Distribution Timeline

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