A tiny, inconspicuous, nearly crustose cyanolichen. Alike Pseudoleptogium diffractum, it forms a rounded isidiate placodioid thallus, if well-developed. Steep to vertical, modestly shaded limestone rocks, where occasionally water trickles or seeps, are its typical habitats. Scytinium parvum is a less-known species, occurring locally. It is reported from rather mountain limestone areas. The species may easily escape the attention in the field, as it resembles undeveloped thalli of other cyanolichens. In the Czech Republic, it was collected only once by A. Vězda in 1973 from a limestone rock in Rudické propadání in the Moravský kras karst region (Guttová & Jørgensen 2005).
Literature: Guttová A. & Jørgensen P. M. (2005): Leptogium diffractum in Slovakia and Czech Republic (lichenized Ascomycota). – Mycotaxon 93: 373–378.
taxonomic classification:Ascomycota → Lecanoromycetes → Peltigerales → Collemataceae → Scytinium
most frequented synonyms:Collema parvumAll records: 1, confirmed 1. One click on a selected square displays particular record(s), including their source(s).